Run, Kuru, run!

Object and Puppet Theatre


50 minutes


4-9 years old

Once upon a time there was a giraffe that crossed the entire Mediterranean on its journey from Ethiopia to Paris in 1827, a journey full of adventures, greetings and farewells. Now, Kuru has also made that same trip and is recovering in a hospital where he meets a girl who, by chance, is also dressed as a giraffe…

Run Kuru, run! It is based on the homonymous play by Patxi Zubizarreta. The book, with which Zubizarreta won the Euskadi Prize for Children’s and Youth Literature 2019, and the Ala Delta 2018 children’s literature prize tells the story of an African boy who arrives in Europe after a long journey.


Performer: Ainhoa Pineda

Author: Patxi Zubizarreta

Dramaturgy and Directing: Elena Bezanilla

Music: David Larrinaga, Sirifo Kouyate Sakiliba

Costumes: Arelí, Creative Designer

Lighting desing: Arantza Flores

Fotography: Jose Antonio Gutiérrez “Guti”

Distribution: Rue2

Production: PANTZART



Tfn: +34 699340894 ·

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